Fire Door Holders
Fire Door Holders
Whether it is for convenience, accessibility, or for air flow, you do sometimes need to hold open a fire door, so ensure you’re doing so legally with a fire door holder. When you opt to use a door wedge or heavy object, such as a fire extinguisher, to keep your doors open, you’re putting lives at risk and breaking the law. When a fire door is not able to shut in a fire emergency, it is not able to prevent the spread of fire and smoke.
When you use a fire door holder, then it will ensure the door is shut at the first sign of trouble whilst keeping the door open in the meantime. Wirelessly activated by the sound of your fire alarm, or with a hard-wired connection to your fire alarm system, once activated it will cause the door to shut automatically when used in conjunction with a suitable door closer.
In fact, as you can see from our range of products, you can integrate the two devices into one with a door closer which is also capable of compliantly holding a door open.