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Battery Smoke Alarms

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Battery Smoke Alarms

Essential for residential, commercial, and multi-storey buildings, our range of Battery Smoke Alarms is a low-cost fire safety addition that quickly activates the alarm when smoke and harmful airborne particles are detected. As they're not tied to a fixed power source, battery smoke alarms can be easily relocated as needed. This flexibility allows for optimal placement, ensuring coverage in areas that may be more vulnerable to fires, such as kitchens, hallways, and bedrooms. It also means they can be taken along when moving homes, ensuring continuous protection. 

What Are the Benefits of Battery Smoke Alarms?

Compact and easy to install, these cost-effective fire safety devices come equipped with long-life batteries, lasting up to 10 years. This extended battery life reduces the frequency of battery replacements, minimising maintenance efforts and costs. Furthermore, their easy installation, portability, independence from power grids, and cost-effective prices make them a practical choice for ensuring safety in a wide range of settings. 

Should the battery require a replacement, the alarm will sound a beep or flash a light to signal a warning to change the battery, ensuring users are notified well in advance when a battery replacement is needed. Each device requires low-maintenance, making them an ideal alarm for most types of buildings.


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