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Standpipes & Hydrant Keys

Products: 17 of 7

Standpipes & Hydrant Keys

For many, standpipes are a reminder of the 70s when they had to collect their ration of water from a standpipe on their road during the water drought. More conventionally, they are used by the fire service to give them an unlimited supply of water when they need it.

Unlike America, our fire hydrants are underground. Seen the small yellow signs by the side of the road, or a yellow H painted on the ground? Then it is likely it is identifying a nearby fire hydrant (and you shouldn’t park your car on them).

Standpipes help to bring the hose connection to above ground, and the fire brigade can then attach their large 2.5-inch hoses to them. Standpipes come with either one or two water outlets and can also have a check valve installed to limit the flow of water in one direction.

Smaller standpipes are available for commercial purposes, and as well as also bringing the connection above ground, also convert it to the standard connection, like you would use for your hose in the garden. However, these can only be used with permission from the local water board.

To make it easier to turn the water on and off when you want, hydrant keys and T-bars allow you to do so without struggle and prevent you having to put your hand down a hole in the ground. 


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