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Standpipes & Hydrant Keys

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Standpipes & Hydrant Keys

For many, standpipes take us back in time to the mid-70s when users collected their ration of water. Considered the worst drought in living memory, standpipes helped the agricultural sector to maintain their horticulture and livestock numbers. Nowadays, fire brigades and rescue services utilise standpipes to access an unlimited supply of water when needed in emergencies.

Unlike America, our fire hydrants are underground and concealed. Have you ever spotted the small yellow H signs by the side of the road or even a yellow H painted on the ground? This is indicative of a nearby fire hydrant (and you shouldn’t park your car on them). The availability of standpipes in strategic locations significantly enhances response times and improves overall firefighting efforts.

Large complex buildings with multiple levels rely on a local water supply to help tackle fires should they occur. Sprinkler systems help to slow fire spread, but may not extinguish fires completely based on the flammable materials present. Active fire prevention systems will require additional methods to fight fires and reduce fire damage.

A mains water system helps firefighting teams connect their fire hoses and access a life-saving supply of water. Qualified professionals can utilise their tools and effectively contain fires before they cause irreversible fire damage. Once fire engines arrive on the scene, firefighters depend on making every second count to contain fires.

How Do Standpipes Work?

Standpipes help to bring the hose connection to above ground, to which the fire services can then attach their large 2.5-inch hoses. Designed vertically with one or two water outlets, standpipes can also have a check valve installed. This feature limits the flow of water in one direction, assisting in effective water control.

For commercial purposes, we stock a range of smaller standpipes which bring the connection above ground. These options convert it to the standard connection you would use for your hose in the garden. Please note: the local water board must grant permission to access these systems.

Our selection of hydrant keys and T-bars allows you to switch the water supply on and off without a struggle. These handy firefighting tools eliminate the need to put your hand down a hole in the ground, preventing injuries and damage.

Why are there different classes of Standpipes?

Designed for specific purposes, it's important to select a standpipe based on water pressure and hose connection size. With three options, you can choose Class 1, 2, or 3 to suit your needs.

For firefighting professionals, Class 1 is the best option as this will allow access to 2.5-inch connections. Without adequate training, water flow is difficult to control, making this option suitable only for professional purposes.

For trained professionals, Class 2 allows access to 1.5-inch connections.

Class 3 standpipes combine Class 1 and 2 systems and are compatible with 1.5-inch and 2.5-inch connections.

Note: You must apply for a licence to access water systems from your local water provider.


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