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Water Fire Extinguisher

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Water Fire Extinguisher

Water Fire Extinguishers for Class A Fires

Combat Class A fires effectively with a water fire extinguisher. These types of fires involve wood, paper, textiles, or fabric, commonly found in domestic homes.

We stock multiple water extinguisher sizes, from 2 litres up to 9 litres! Our 9-litre water fire extinguisher exceeds the required 13A rating with a fire rating of 21A.

How Do I Use Water Extinguishers?

If you have a fire involving paper or fabric, first point the nozzle at the fire. Compress the handles and spray the contents until you extinguish the flames. 

Once used, you must refill your extinguisher or replace it with a new unit. As part of our business, we also offer Extinguisher Servicing. Our technicians will visit your premises at a convenient date, and commission your extinguishers to ensure their quality.

Their red-coloured labels make them easy to identify and indicate their contents. Each unit also features instructions on the correct use and purpose of the extinguisher. So whether you're a seasoned professional or trainee, you'll distinguish the difference easily.

These specific extinguishers are NOT safe for fires involving electrical equipment, as there's an increased risk of electrocution. Alternatives such as CO2 extinguishers or Dry Powder extinguishers can instead provide protection against electrical fires.

The Benefits of our Water Fire Extinguishers

Multiple manufacturers supply our wide range of water fire extinguishers. These include Vigil Products, Commander, Firechief, and Thomas Glover (sister company of Chubb Fire). Each unit offers top-quality performance and reliability against Class A fires. All our extinguishers carry:

  • full BAFE (British Approvals for Fire Equipment) certification
  • BSi Kitemark to BS EN3, (excluding chrome)
  • CE Mark (a legal requirement of the PED)

Choose from a standard red finish, or for added glamour, opt for our shiny 'chrome' version. Actually made from highly polished stainless steel, this Chrome fire extinguisher is also suitable for hygiene-sensitive areas.


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