Personal Protective Equipment Guidance Poster A2
Covering most topics, the Personal Protective Equipment Poster A2 should be prominently displayed in zones likely to be injurious to employees. All aspects of protective gear including eye protection, masks, gloves and overalls etc., this poster will advise employees where and how protective gear should be worn.
Fully updated and containing the latest information pertinent to PPE, the poster advises employees where and when to wear this equipment. It is best suited for all industrial and construction workplaces, lessening the various risks presented. It should be displayed at entrances as well as general hazardous areas.
Compiled by fully qualified health and safety practitioners, this up-to-date large laminated poster, durable and well presented with graphic illustrations and easy-to-follow text, should be hung or affixed to a flat surface at entrances or work zones by using self-adhesive sticky tape.