Do Not Do Signs
Do Not Do Signs
Protect staff from potential injuries and accidents with Do Not Do Signs, crafted with bold red graphics and clear safety instructions which inform workers of safe practices and what to avoid. Available in either landscape or portrait orientation, each sign features specific instructions such as Do Not Open or Do Not Touch to signal a warning to workers to avoid specific actions.
Designed with readable graphics and text, these signs are hard to miss and keep workers informed of best safety practices. Manufactured with photoluminescent material, these signs glow in the dark during late hours, making them visible at all times.
What Sign Tells You What Not to Do?
Each sign features a red block symbol to highlight what actions to not carry out, such as Do Not Switch Off, informing workers to avoid certain actions to prevent potential injuries or dangers. These signs must be adhered to by everyone on site and followed strictly to promote a safer work environment for all.