Personal Protection Signs
Personal Protection Signs
Reinforce safety practices across your premises with Personal Protection Signs, crafted to display clear must-do instructions that keep the entire workforce safe from injuries. Available in multiple variations to suit your premises, our range of PPE signs ensures everyone is informed of safety protocol and promotes protection against site accidents or injury.
Do I Need to Display Personal Protection Signs?
Specialised work environments such as laboratories and construction sites are at a higher risk of exposure to risks that could impact health, making PPE signs very important to display across sites. Beyond their low cost and easy installation benefits, these signs improve businesses by keeping them in compliance with safety regulations and promoting the well-being of site staff.
Each sign displays specific instructions, such as Use Welding Mask or Wear Eye Protection, as a way of keeping staff informed of what PPE to wear when entering potentially hazardous areas. These instructions should be in place before entering rooms or zones which could pose a threat to health.
Business managers and owners have a duty of care and must keep essential PPE in stock for workers to use when carrying out specific actions or tasks. Being careless and negligent can lead to serious consequences for both site staff and businesses, as insurance claims are often void if workers do not carry out safety protocols before starting project works or site tasks that lead to injuries.